insuranceA survey done by Friends provident International, found that half of UAE citizens don’t have any life cover at all, and only a quarter have serious illness cover. Many said that they thought it too expensive or just never got around to it and hoped they never needed it.

If you have a family then it is a vital!

“It protects the people who depend on you financially”

Many of us have spouses and children who depend on us financially. Even elderly parents have joined the dependency group these days. 

Who will look after them if you are no longer around, lose your job or become disabled?

Things to consider

• Who will pay the mortgage?
• Who will pay for your children’s education?
• Who will pay off your debt?
• Who will pay your medical expenses if you are disabled?
• How long will the pay-out support your family?

Remember, the younger and healthier you are the cheaper your premiums. The older you get, the more health issues you develop, which could hike up premiums. 

Life cover these days have developed into products that are flexible and can be moulded to your specific needs. 
Chat to your deVere Acuma adviser today about getting life cover. [email protected]

Please note, the above is for education purposes only and does not constitute advice. You should always contact your deVere Acuma adviser for a personal consultation.

* No liability can be accepted for any actions taken or refrained from being taken, as a result of reading the above.

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